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Below are a list of resources to help you in your pursuit to be a worshipper and a leader. These are just a few of the things that have impacted our worship leaders and helped us become who we are today.



Worship Matters
by Bob Kauflin

How To Worship A King
by Zach Neese

The Reset
by Jeremy Riddle

Worship: The Reason We Were Created
by A.W. Tozer

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
by Jim Cymbala


by Andrew Murray

Knowing God
by J.I. Packer

Renovation of The Heart
by Dallas Willard

The Weight of Glory
by C.S. Lewis


Adorning The Dark
by Andrew Peterson

The Valley of Vision
A Collection of Puritan Prayers



The “WOR/TH” Podcast
with Matt Redman

Worship Probs


She Reads Truth

Doxology & Theology



Lectio 365
by 24-7 Prayer

The Bible Project

The Bible App


Planning Center


(Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of each and every person or ministry associated with these works. Always take time to learn who you are listening to and test it against the Word of God.)


This is a collection of video content from speakers and leaders that we have learned from. Topics vary from worship, to leadership, to spiritual discipline, and more.

Christine Caine - Gifting vs. Anointing

“A gift will fill a room, but the anointing breaks yokes, chains, and bondages.” - Christine Caine

God doesn’t need to discover you, He created you. Allow Him to take you into the secret place and forge you into the image of Christ before you step onto the stage. The degree to which you allow God to work inside of you is the degree to which He will do His work through you.

Francis Chan - The Power of a Quiet Life

In this message, Francis Chan urges us to radically redefine ambition, advocating for a life of quiet humility, diligent work, and personal integrity - a stark contrast to society's louder, more self-centered paths.

“Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Allan Malloy - Pentecostal Fire

In this message, Pastor Allan preaches a message about the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church. There are spiritual implications and applications that we must make in our present day. This message is about how we should engage and interact with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, and in our worship.

Aaron Keys - Is Worship Leading A Spiritual Gift

In this message, Worship Leader Aaron Keys asks the question, “Is Worship Leading a Spiritual Gift?” The answer might surprise you. There are things we can learn from church history and from the Bible about the modern day role of the Worship Leader and how we should carry out this sacred task.

Worship Leader Training - Reading and Leading The Room

Leading worship is more than just singing through a list of songs. Leading worship requires being aware of what the Holy Spirit wants to do and where He wants to lead that specific group of people in that moment. For Gateway Conference 2021 pastors Jamie Whisenhunt, Michael Bethany, and David Moore sat down to talk about what it looks like to read a room and lead people in worship.

The Worship Initiative - Heart Training

Phil Wickham and Shane Barnard talk together about what the goal of a worship leader truly is. One of the most important things we bring into a time of worship is our heart.